When a client asks us, “I need some landscaping. When is the best time to plant my new garden?”, our answer is always the same, “Now!”.
“But what about the cold – should we not rather wait until spring or summer?”, we hear you ask. The plants that you install in spring or summer exist during winter. They are typically kept in a nursery. They are in a far less cozy environment than a residential suburb. These provide more shelter from weather extremes when compared to large wide open spaces at a nursery.
Would you not prefer to have those plants and trees installed in your garden in winter? They can settle and acclimatize, getting ready for the spring that lies ahead!
Ready to plant? This article in SA Home Owner will be useful – how to choose a landscaper.
Plant during winter
We design gardens for clients throughout South Africa as well as 16 other countries. It follows that in some of those climates, installing in winter may not be advisable. On account of most of our installations taking place in the greater Johannesburg and Pretoria areas, we install year round. This is because our winters while frosty, are not extreme enough to prevent us from establishing gardens during the colder months.
If you do have some frost damage, this is simply nature’s way of pruning. The chances are that it would have still happened if the plants were in a nursery during winter.
The only types of plants that need a specific time of the year for planting are seasonal species such as annuals and vegetables.
Young trees and shrubs should be covered with frost guard for the first few winters (regardless of when they are initially planted). This can prevent frost from damaging the new growth in early spring.
If you are looking to get a head start on your new garden – Plant now!
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